Commission: dedicated targets for sustainable biomass

18.04.2013, Press releases

Today, The Nature and Agriculture Commission (Natur- og Landbrugskommissionen) presented its report with 44 recommendations that benefit both Danish nature and agriculture. One of the recommendations was the need for dedicated targets for sustainable production and use of biomass. Director of BioRefining Alliance, Anne Grete Holmsgaard, welcomed the commission's announcement.

"We expect an increasing demand and rising prices for food, feed and biomass for energy. The primary drivers is a growing global population, increasing wealth and national targets for reducing the use of fossil resources. Denmark's strengths in food, energy and biotechnology provides a good basis to exploit emerging opportunities."

The quote above is from the intro of the chapter 'Intelligent use of biomass potential' in the report from The Nature and Agriculture Commission. It recommends seven actions to ensure that Denmark exploit the business opportunities in advanced bio-economy. And this is welcomed by the director of BioRefining Alliance, Anne Grete Holmsgaard:

- It's very good The Nature and Agriculture Commission stress the possibility that Denmark can become a leader in 2G biorefining and the need for an dedicated national strategy for biorefining and increased production of sustainable biomass, she says.

The seven actions:

Develop a proactive, national strategy and action plan with concrete policy objectives and measures for sustainable biomass production and use, supporting new business opportunities.

There should, on the basis of the policy objectives, be developed a public-private partnership between business, research institutions and authorities to exploit the business potential in biomass.

Public support for the development of biogas should continue for a limited period, until the development of technology and production ensures a stable and profitable expansion.

There should be a national survey and analysis of the most appropriate location of new biogas plants. The analysis should include take into account the available biomass resources, transport and market opportunities for biogas.

To develop models and methods for efficient production, harvesting, transport and marketing of green biomass from renewable grass and natural areas, such as biogas production.

Denmark should work for creating a market pull for sustainable biofuels, such as the ambitious blending requirements for 2 generation biofuels, both at EU level and in Denmark.

Denmark should on EU-level work actively for the establishment of operational sustainability criteria for all types of biomass.

Read the full report (in Danish)
